This week the Cornerstone fellowship group leaders meet at our home for an end-of-year breakfast. This has been our tradition for a number of years now.
These are wonderful men to serve with! My appreciation for them has only grown as we have sought to serve the Lord together each week.
In recent months, we have spent some time to identify each other's strengths, weaknesses, and spiritual gifts. I will leave the weaknesses off this summary, but look below at how God has provided for Cornerstone and Riverbend Bible Church in these men! . . .
- Nigel: Passion and love for the Word of God, ability to teach with clarity, administration, commitment to discipleship, leadership, work ethic, self-discipline, perseverance with people.
- Denys: Gift of encouragement and exhortation, wise counsellor, one-on-one teacher, welcoming, gentle towards people, faithfulness in discipleship, committed to prayer.
- Gavin: Leadership, encouragement, teaching, worship leading, humility, gentleness, unassuming, ability to draw out people, faithful in ministry, quick to serve, team-builder.
- Grant: Teaching, encouragement, strength of conviction, humble, willing to listen, hospitality, asks great questions, effective home group leader, love for Word of God, commitment to leading family, calm in pressure situations.
- Mike: Reliable, loyal, keeps commitments, servant heart, teaching (boys rally), teaching (one on one).
- Jeremy: Evangelist, encourager, motivator, leader, proactive initiator, great faith.
- James: Generous, encourager, reliable servant, commitment to prayer, leader with a shepherding heart, integrity, teachable, humble.
- Reuben: Purposeful encourager, servant, insightful questions, teaching, sober-minded.
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