What Happens in the Future?
Community Bible Church Rodney have invited me to teach a series of sessions on the End Times. The workshop dates are Friday-Sunday, 2-4 September 2011 and the sessions will be hosted in Wellsford, north of Auckland.
If you want more information or if you'd like to register, please e-mail the workshop organiser: AKBorrows@xtra.co.nz
30 June 2011
28 June 2011
Upcoming TSBC Courses
This week, I'm preparing for next semester's courses. I'll be teaching three:
- New Testament Survey 2 (Romans—Revelation): A Wednesday evening class hosted at Riverbend Bible Church, starting 10 August, which surveys the highlights of the NT epistles.
- Teaching and Preaching: A Hastings weekend block course which begins the process of preparing teachers and preachers to communicate God's Word with clarity and passion, meeting at Riverbend Bible Church, 19-20 August, and four further times for preaching labs throughout the semester.
- Philosophy of Church Ministry: An Auckland weekend block course that discusses what we do in the local church and why, meeting at Auckland Bible Church, 30 September—1 October.
27 June 2011
Impact 2011 Audio Downloads
All of the 2011 Impact Bible Conference messages are now available online. To download these audio files for free, go to the Impact website. Click here.
Here is what is available:
General Sessions
Ladies Seminars
Making Disciples Seminars
Missions Seminars
Youth and Youth Leaders Seminars
Here is what is available:
General Sessions
- #1 – Jack Hughes – A Glimpse at the Resurrected Lord of Glory (Revelation 1:9-18)
- #2 – Bill Barrick – What Is the Purpose of the Doctrine of Last Things? (2 Peter 3:10-18)
- #3 – Jack Hughes – A Trip to Hell: Exploring the Realities of Future Punishment (Luke 12:4-9)
- #4 – Bill Barrick – How Does the Doctrine of Last Things Complete the Doctrine of First Things?
- #5 – Jack Hughes – What Will There Be for Us?: Heaven, an Unspeakable Reward (Luke 18:28-30)
- #6 – Donald Stevenson – Glorification: Motivation to Shepherd the Flock of God (1 Peter 5:1-4)
- #7 – Bill Barrick – How Does the Judgment Seat of Christ Relate to Our Glorification?
- #8 – Jack Hughes – Present and Future Ministry of Angels to Believers and Unbelievers (Hebrews 1:14)
- #9 – Russell Hohneck – Receiving a Kingdom Which Cannot be Moved (Hebrews 12:25-29)
- #10 – Bill Barrick – Why Is Christ’s Coming the Focal Point of the Lord’s Table?
- #11 – Jack Hughes – Investing in Eternity Now (Luke 12:33-34)
- #12 – Bill Barrick – How Does Our Future State Impact Our Current Living? (2 Corinthians 5:6-10)
- Q&A Session – Nigel Shailer with Bill Barrick and Jack Hughes
Ladies Seminars
- Lisa Hughes – Unmet, Unanswered, Unexpected: When Life Doesn't Proceed As Planned
- Lisa Hughes – The Unexpected Goodness of God: Foundational Truths You Can Live On
- Lisa Hughes – Living In-tune with One Another
Making Disciples Seminars
- Jeremy Dempsey – Evangelism: How to bring someone to Christ
- Randy Bossom – Discipleship: How to see them begin to grow in Christ
- Bryan Martin – Training and Equipping: How to prepare them to make more disciples
Missions Seminars
- Bill Barrick – Starting Missions Right: How does our doctrine of last things impact missions?
- Donald Stevenson – Getting Missions Right: Reflections from Acts
- Greg Stephenson – Doing Missions Right: Developing theologically driven mission
Youth and Youth Leaders Seminars
- John Richard – Living to the Max: Impacting the World for the Lord
- John Richard – Living to the Max: Making the Most of Your Time
- John Richard – Living to the Max: Paul’s Passion for His People
23 June 2011
Impact 2011 Photo Slideshow Review
Here's a photo slideshow review which will bring back many fond memories of Impact Bible Conference 2011. . .
22 June 2011
Dr. Jack Hughes - Impact 2011 Review
Wow! The Impact Bible Conference was amazing! It was my first time visiting New Zealand, but my wife Lisa’s second trip. We knew from talking to pastors from New Zealand and missionaries to New Zealand that there is a “famine of the Word” in that country. We were told very few churches in New Zealand practice expository preaching. I was curious to see who would attend the conference and the level of their spiritual hunger. Both Lisa and I were pleasantly surprised.
It seems that the reputation of pastors Russell Hohneck and Donald Stevenson of Riverbend Bible Church, and Nigel Shailer of The Shepherd’s Bible College is great indeed! Over 600 Bible-loving believers gathered from all over New Zealand, Australia, and even Africa to the small town of Havelock to be fed the Word! The New Zealanders who came had a deep love for Christ and passion for the Word which was very encouraging.
Our times of worship through singing were heavenly, catching our hearts up to the third heaven, and the fellowship was sweet. And food, lots of great food! I had previously thought that only Hobbits ate six meals a day, but now I know where they got that habit from – the Impact Bible Conference! Breakfast, morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner and supper or evening tea were our daily delight. By the end of the conference my soul and body were made fat!
The theme of the conference was an excellent choice – “Stepping Into Eternity.” I was blessed by the accumulated effect of so much preaching and teaching on eternity. Our minds were constantly transported to heaven and the glories to come. Each day our focus became more heavenly oriented. The joy and anticipation of heaven filled the hearts of those who attended. Each message caused us to “fix our minds on the things above” and see the practical value of living with heaven in view. By the end of the conference we were aching to see Jesus, the angels, departed saints, and glories untold.
Lisa was very blessed to be able to speak to the women and was warmly received. Every night Lisa and I would collapse into bed, exhausted from long days of ministry, but excited to share our stories with each other of people we had met. We were so blessed by many servants from Riverbend Bible Church. A small army of faithful men and women from Riverbend labored to make the conference a reality and blessing for all who attended. Surely they will be great in the kingdom for their service to us was unsurpassed. Our host family, Phil and Natalie Henderson (Phil is Pastor of Onekawa Bible Church and teaches at Shepherd’s Bible College), pampered us to shame. We left thanking and praising God for the many blessings we had received and longing to spend eternity with the many believers we had met.
To God Be the Glory!
Pastor Jack Hughes
Calvary Bible Church, Burbank, California
20 June 2011
Impact 2012 Theme
We have settled on a theme for Impact 2012. It will cover the full spectrum of human relationships:
We have entitled the conference Under Construction: Building Godly Relationships. Watch out for more information as the next year unfolds.

- Husband
- Wife
- Boyfriend
- Girlfriend
- Parent
- Child
- Married
- Single
- Employer
- Employee
We have entitled the conference Under Construction: Building Godly Relationships. Watch out for more information as the next year unfolds.

TSBC E-Quipper - June 2011 Issue

The Worship Scene
By Nigel Shailer, Vice Principal and Academic Dean
Is it possible that the church in the Western world has lost its way when it comes to worship? Walk into any Christian bookstore and our subconscious senses are exposed to one overwhelming message – "Worship is music." "Worship is only music!"
Now of course, no one means to say that, and when asked, thoughtful Christians will acknowledge that worship is much more than just music – it includes other activities such as reading the Bible, giving, communion, prayer, service, listening to God, submission to God, and meditating on God. In fact our whole life is meant to be a holy and acceptable sacrifice (Romans 12:1) and everything we do ought to give God glory (1 Corinthians 10:31).
But, for the sake of this article, even if we limit our worship discussion to just the songs the church sings today, we will observe a modern trend – it seems that many of our new "worship" songs are more focused on us than they are on God. Both the content of the songs and the style of the songs are designed to appeal to our personal preferences and subconscious expectations.
Maybe it has always been this way. Senior saints love the good ole hymns of yesteryear. Middle-aged Christians prefer semi-contemporary expressions of praise. Youth demand new sounds and experiences which still haven't been sanctioned by those who grow weary of ever-changing musical boundaries. Churches split over these issues. Doesn't it seem like too much of our focus is on us? – our preferences?
How is worship expressed in Heaven? If we look at Revelation 4 and 5, we see that the worshippers have no concern for themselves at all. They celebrate God's uniqueness, rather than promote their own individuality or independence. They celebrate God's dominion, rather than defend their own freedoms. They celebrate God's creative power, rather than boast in their own creativity. Their eyes are completely fixed on God and they lose themselves in the worship experience, giving no thought to themselves whatsoever.
We can model our public worship on this heavenly example. Worship just isn't about us anyway. It's about Him Who sits on the throne and it's about the Lamb. Why should we steal the focus and put it on ourselves?
Please pray for The Shepherd's Bible College faculty and student body. Our goal is to emulate the expressions of the heavenly worshippers each and every day here on earth and especially when we gather for public worship.
10 June 2011
Impact Bible Conference Is Over for 2011

Of course, every Impact is characterised by those who open God's Word session after session to explain it and impress its truths upon our lives. We want to thank Bill Barrick and Jack Hughes for their masterful expositions which magnified Christ's soon return. We were reminded that in order to live Christ-like lives today we must live in light of the future coming of Christ.

Benji Carey-Smith (TSBC student) and Tony Nuñez (TSBC lecturer) were responsible for an Impact first – an original song written especially with the Impact theme in mind: "Stepping into Eternity". This song is now available on the Impact website.
The engine room, otherwise known as the Riverbend kitchen team, operated like a slick well-oiled machine. What a joyful experience it was to see so many people serving with a smile. In addition, Riverbend Bible Church provided warm beds for 215 visitors. The church's ministry example and hospitality spoke volumes to all our guests.

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