There are three stages to salvation: past, present, and future.
The first stage of salvation happens at a point in someone's life when they become a Christian. He or she has experienced (past tense) salvation.
The second stage of salvation is a present and continual process of living in the light of that past salvation. This is otherwise known as the process of sanctification.
The third and final stage of salvation is yet future for those believers who are still alive. It refers to the day when a believer is removed from this earth and will no longer be subject to the sin and temptations of this present world. That future day is called glorification.
Over the past two years, Impact Bible Conference has focused on the first two of these stages of salvation:
- Impact 2009 – The Gospel and Evangelism
- Impact 2010 – Saved To Be Holy
Now in 2011, Impact Bible Conference will deal with the last stage of the trilogy:
- Impact 2011 – Stepping into Eternity
Glorification is the theme of Impact 2011. This is going to be a wonderful time of challenge and encouragement as we all together prepare ourselves for that day when we will meet the Lord in person.
Will you join us in Hastings for this wonderful time? The conference dates are 2-6 June (Queen's Birthday Weekend). We have a fantastic line-up of international and local speakers, and every family represented at the conference will receive a welcome pack containing five wonderful books provided free of charge for their personal growth and encouragement.
The goal of the conference is that every person would be reminded of the brevity of this present life, have their hearts set on their future glorification, and be greatly invigorated to live in light of both of those realities.
Get registered now online: Impact Registration
For more information, go to the Impact Bible Conference website